Thor's Hammer Time

Thor's Hammer Time

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Thor's Hammer Time

Thor's Hammer Time

Set against a rugged mountainous landscape where storms rage and lightning strikes illuminate the reels, Thor's Hammer Time immerses players in the world of Norse legends. The dramatic backdrop is paired with a powerful soundtrack.

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Copyright © 2025 is owned and operated by High Seas N.V. under the laws of Curaçao with Company Number 157373 and licensed by the Curaçao Gaming Control Board to offer games of chance under license number OGL/2024/1533/0769 in accordance with the National Ordinance on Offshore Games of Hazard (Landsverordening buitengaatse hazardspelen, P.B. 1993, no. 63) (NOOGH). The Company is legally authorized to conduct gaming operations for all games of chance and wagering. High Seas N.V uses Corsair Processing Ltd, company registration number HE 424846 and having its registered address at Avlonos 1, Maria House, 1075, Nicosia, Сyprus as a payment agent. It is the player's sole responsibility to inquire about the existing laws and regulations of the given jurisdiction for online gambling.

Gambling can be addictive. Play responsibly. accepts players only over 18 years of age.
